Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Darling Magazine

We are all inspired by so much in life... Nature, Art, Fashion, People, Conversations, Love, Music, Books, Movies.... I love being able to dabble in all areas, and this feature is especially exciting because not only is it inspirational but also motivational and uplifting. Darling Magazine is all about the art of being a woman. I think in today's society we put a lot of emphasis on the wrong things. Instead of focusing on being a size zero or having the biggest house, why don't we focus on how we can make a home with people we love, living a healthy lifestyle, being thankful and staying positive.

I love how Darling Magazine focuses it's attention on how "All women are beautiful, exceptional, and here for a purpose". You'll find many pieces of new design, photography, artists sharing their work, DIY's, and Fashion Pieces, within the pages of this publication--not to mention the quality and look of the letter pressed cover, the texture of the paper, and the size (makes for a year round coffee table book).

All that to say I'm very happy to have been given the opportunity to interview the editor in chief of Darling Magazine Sarah Anne Dubbeldam.

LWF: Little Woodland Friend (a.k.a Amber Dunstan)
DM: Darling Magazine (a.k.a Sarah Anne Dubbeldam) 

LWF: I've ready your Mission statement and am so Inspired by it, can you tell me why your team is so passionate about embracing the art of being a woman?

DM: In our modern world, we feel like there is little guidance for young women on how to grow into a mature, wise woman. Much unlike our grandmothers' generation where women were taught etiquette and mentored in endless skills, many of us are in the dark on how to behave and function healthily as a woman in relationships, at work, or in the home. Much of the advice out there is shallow, or frankly, bad advice. We feel that women need a "modern guidebook" on how to know themselves, make wise decisions, and function in relationships with integrity, self-esteem, grace, and character. 

LWF: How did Darling come to fruition? 

DM: I was really inspired by author Wendy Shalit and her book, “A Return to Modesty,” which is a fascinating exploration on the state of the modern woman, men, chivalry, modesty, and sexuality. After experiencing personal and relational difficulties myself, and observing many women around me struggling with dating, emotional baggage, self-esteem, body issues and life purpose, I wanted to create the magazine I wish I had during the formative years of my life. My friend and Co-Creator of Darling Kelli Lane and I spent two years developing the foundation of Darling, then recruited six more girls to join us for weekly meetings of content development for another year; then we launched the website on 11.11.11, let that build for around 9 months, and put out our first print issue in September 2012! Now we have over 75 contributors in the U.S. and several countries around the world, and are currently selling Issue No. 2, available this December. 

LWF: How does the Darling team get inspired daily?

DM: We are constantly intentional about having deep conversations and asking good questions of other women in our lives. We feel that women embody a special sensitivity to the world around them, and therefore can speak well to issues currently going on in culture and the world. In asking our friends what they feel are the pressing issues of the day, we come up with content for the magazine. In order to come up with photo shoot ideas and other visual inspiration, I personally also read a lot of books (mostly fantastical fiction-type stories mixed with women's issues books), watch a lot of movies, and get out in nature to be inspired by the stillness and beauty of the world. 

LWF: Any other thoughts you would like to tell our readers?

DM: If you have a dream, go for it! If something burns on your heart, don't ignore it. Pursue what you have to in order to make a change in your small corner of the world. Also remember: Only action is real, and ideas belong to the people that execute them, not talk about them. Lastly, don't be afraid to fail.  If you do, you will only learn—as often our failures lead us to our greatest successes, and mature us to become the person we need to be to handle the dream that will succeed. Lastly, you are beautiful, talented and unique. No one can make the difference that you can. Know your worth and speak worth into those around you!

Thanks Darling Magazine for the amazing interview! 

If you've fallen in love with Darling Magazine like I did and want to see more you should check out their website and order yourself this amazing Winter Issue (makes a great gift!).

Darling's Mission Statement Above

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